Category: Articles

So, You Want to be a Squire

I was never a squire but now I find myself in the position to make them. By finding myself in this situation I’ve been forced to ask myself what my expectations are for my squires. I’ve asked myself questions like, how do I find a squire, what do I look for in a squire, what …

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The Group Fund and the Community

I’d like to talk about group involvement surrounding a park’s money and the individual contributions of their members. Some people, when they get in office and have the personal funds, feel like they need to spend personal money to make their park great. For example they want to buy relics or spend a bunch of …

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You’re a Knight, Now What?

This article is a personal perspective of what changes when you become a knight and what you do after you become one. I want to be clear I don’t speak for all knights, I’m speaking from my own perspective based on my own experiences. I am sure there are other valid perspectives. What this article …

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Amtgard Online Presence

Key Platforms Amtgard Online Record Keeper (ORK) Amtgard Wiki Facebook In this article I will go over the basics for setting up your online presence in Amtgard. There are three main sites for your online presence in Amtgard, The Online Record Keeper (The ORK), the Amtgard Wiki (Amtwiki) and Facebook. Everyone who has played at …

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Baelnorn’s Guide to Feast Preparation

This guide will walk you through the basics of planning a feast, from conception to completion. This guide will assume you already have the feast bid and will focus on a smaller feast, around 50 people. You will still learn enough basics that you can extrapolate for larger crowds. I’ve cooked numerous feasts from as …

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Burnout in Amtgard

At its heart Amtgard is a game but for people to be able to play and enjoy the game we need individuals to step up and run the organization. At that point it’s a job. As with any job there can be burnout and it can be severe. I wanted to take a few minutes …

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How to Organize a Fundraiser Day

This article covers the basics of creating a successful fundraising day event. It doesn’t go into specifics about the different types of fundraisers but does talk about creating an environment that will help a fundraising event be successful. I will first outline the steps and then end by giving an example event.   A successful …

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5 Ways A Reeve Can Destroy Games

Amtgard is a great game, you get to hit people with foam swords, shoot them with arrows and throw spell balls. While a good ditch can carry a day there are also many people who come to the field for the battle games. A good Reeve cab make for a great day of fighting but …

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