The Critias Playlist

I was tinkering around YouTube the other day and I was struck with a wild idea. What if I made a playlist of all the videos I’ve made that have Critias in them. Just how many videos would that list have? The answer is 131. That’s nearly a quarter of all the videos on my channel.

Critias is a friend and has been a vital part of the Baelnorn channel since it’s inception. He, along with Darb, were in the first one on one Foam Fights video (Formerly Amtgard Fights). He has been a mainstay ever since. Not only has he continued to appear in the Foam Fight series, he’s also been in numerous battle game videos, tournaments and even several Baelnorn and Friend streams.

It’s wild to me that I have been able to capture a 4 year slice of Critias’ life, from before he was a warlord till after he was a knight. You can almost see him evolving in real time. It’s a fascinating collection. You can also see how my content evolved, both the subject matter and the quality.

Future Content?

Would you like to see other playlists of people on my Channel? There are probably a few more Amtgardians I could give this treatment to, Louie being the most notable, but none of them have as many videos in my portfolio as Critias.

I was also thinking about maybe doing a few spot light videos for people who have been on my channel a few times. Nothing big, maybe something like a, “Get to know them” video, with some highlights from the channel.

Any feedback or comments you have would be appreciated. You can comment on this blog post, the Facebook post, or if you’re up to it, you can join me in my Discord and let me know what you think!

The Playlist

Below I’ve embedded the playlist for all of you to view. You can also click HERE if you want to see them on YouTube.