Tag: Foam Fighting

So, About That Tournament…

Baelnorn attended fighter practice, the Silvermoon Tournament, and briefly stopped by Dusk Hollow. Despite initial anxiety, they competed in three tournament categories, met most goals, and felt positive about their progress in foam fighting. Baelnorn reflects on personal growth and invites readers to support them on Patreon.

So, I Died A Lot

Baelnorn reflects on their irregular posting schedule and the support from their readers, which has encouraged them to continue blogging monthly. Their focus remains on foam fighting and LARP, sharing personal challenges, successes, and future plans, including entering a local tournament and improving their combat skills.

Alert: Baelnorn Was On The Field

After a prolonged hiatus, I returned to foam fighting, inspired by progress in my personal health and stability. Over recent weeks, I participated in Amtgard practices and events, including Iron Keep’s 33rd anniversary, where I fought continuously for hours. My journey, reignited at SKBC 2024, has been revitalized through adopting a mindful approach to fighting, emphasized in a course that shaped my current strategy. This weekend’s immersive experience at Iron Keep reaffirmed my capability and enthusiasm for foam fighting, suggesting a sustainable return to this passion.