World Building: Quest Basics

Welcome to the next article in the series “World Building”. The first one was World Building: Initial Approach. That article talked about how you approach the world you want to create. It would help if you learn the two basic approaches to building a world, the Macro Approach and the Micro Approach, which that article outlines but it isn’t necessary.

This article will talk about the basics of setting up quests in your world. It has a heavy emphasis on game design. It will give you the tools to help you succeed in telling the story you’d like to tell.

The Five Quest Types

There are five basic quest types, Acquisition Quests, Delivery Quests, Defend Quests, Attack Quests and Disable Quests. These five quest types are the basis for just about any quest you can think of. You can combine these five different quests into interesting quest lines and add various quest modifiers to change them, making them more challenging. No matter what modifiers you apply, when you boil it down to the basics, you’ll still have these five basic types of quests.

Acquisition Quests

The first type of quest we are going to talk about is the Acquisition Quest. This quest is any type of quest where you must go, find an item and return or use the item. For example, there is a missing child and you must go and find that child and return them to their home. The key here is that you are finding and obtaining something.

Delivery Quests

Delivery Quests, as the name suggests, is any type of quest where you must deliver something. This can be as straightforward as delivering a piece of mail or it might be more complicated such as having to deliver packages throughout the countryside. The key is that you are taking something from point A to point B.

Attack Quests

Attack Quests are quests in which you are attacking some sort of area. For example, you must attack a castle. This is not to be confused with killing an individual, that is the Disable Quest type, which we’ll talk about later. This is simply attacking and overcoming an objective. For example, attacking a castle.

Defend Quests

Defend Quests are the opposite of Attack Quests, you must defend a place, an area or maybe even a person. This basic quest is one of the easiest to understand and doesn’t take much explanation. For example you might need to defend a merchant from being attacked by bandits.

Disable Quests

Disable Quests are probably the most ambiguous quest type and hardest to grasp. Many people would identify this as the Kill Quest but I found I needed to broaden the scope. This quest type is something of a catch all. As the name suggests the goal of these quests is to disable a person or object. In some cases, disable, might mean kill. A dead person is certainly disabled. However the objective might not be to kill, perhaps the goal is to overcome a trap, or to find a way to disable a person, without killing them. If a quest doesn’t fit the first four quest types, it probably fits this type in some fashion.

Using Quest Types

Now that you know about the five quest types, it’s time to learn about how to use them. There are two basic ways that you can utilize them, that is by adding modifiers and by linking them.

Quest Modifiers

You can modify the five different quest types in different ways to create a more complicated quest. Doing this can create some of the more familiar types of quests. For example, the escort quest. The escort quest is typically a combing of the Delivery Quest and a defend modifier. In most escort quests you need to deliver something to some place and defend it while doing so, thus adding the defend modifier.

Another quest modifier might be time. Perhaps the quest has a timer, requiring you to finish it in a certain amount of time. Perhaps you need to defend an area for a certain amount of time to succeed.

Quest modifiers are anything that modifies a quest in some way to alter how you are required to achieve the basic quest objective.

Linking Quests

Linking quests is how you create a longer quest. This is effectively adding quest segments to an overall quest. For example you might want to create a quest where your players attack a castle and then turn around and have to defend it from invaders. This is the combining of the Attacking Quest and the Defending Quest. You now have two quest segments that add up to an overall quest.

Linking Modified Quests

The height of complexity is linking quests which have been modified. We’ll be talking more about this later in the article. In most cases when creating a quest you’ll be doing this. Let’s take some previous examples and combine them.

We’ll link the Attack Quest and the Defend Quest with the time modifier. Perhaps you have to attack a castle which is the first quest segment and the second segment you need to defense the castle. We can add the time modifier to the second segment, making it so you have to defend the castle for 5 minutes to achieve your goal.

Creating a Story with Quests

Now that you have learned the five basic quest types and how you can connect and modify them, it’s time to show you how you can create a story using quests.

You can take two approaches, very similar to the Macro and Micro Approaches talked about in the previous article. If you have certain mechanics that you’d like to use you can expanded upon those mechanics and then situate them in story. This would be similar to the Micro Approach of world building.

The second approach is to create a story and then apply mechanics to tell said story. This is very similar to the Macro Approach to world building, where you look at the larger picture first.

You can also combine the approaches, which is often the case in my experience. For example you might have a basic idea for a quest mechanic, then you apply story to that quest mechanic. You then might find you need to make the quest more complex to fit the story.

No matter which approach you ended up using you’ll probably take an overall basic quest type and create a longer quest by sandwiching in linked and modified quest segments.

Let us take a story and work out a quest for it. The players are tasked with going to Castle Wyvern and retrieving the Orb of Chaos and returning it to to King Theleos. The problem is the Horde of Chaos is also hunting down the orb. This sounds like a simple Acquisition Quest, but let’s make it a bit more complicated by linking quests and adding modifiers.

Lets go ahead and break the quest down into three different quest segments. We’ll link an Attack segment, a Defend segment with the modifier of time and end with a Delivery segment with the modifier of defend. Overall this will create a more complicated Acquisition Quest.

The first segment is attacking Castle Wyvern to get inside. The second segment is defending the castle from the Horde of Chaos for 5 minutes while the players “look” for the Orb of Chaos. Once they find it the third segment begins, which is the delivery segment with the defending modifier. The players need to return the Orb of Chaos to King Theleos while defending it from the Horde of Chaos.

Final Thoughts

Once you have become well versed in the five basic quest types and thought about the various modifiers that you can add to them, you’ll be well on your way to mastering quest building. When you get down into the minutia of quest building you might start to see some other patterns emerge, such as quest modifiers sounding like basic quests.

You’ve probably noticed the defend modifier shares the same name as the basic Defend Quest. Despite this similarity they are slightly different. The big difference is that one modifies the effects of one of the other basic quest types and one is a quest unto itself. It’s a minor distinction but can be important when you get into more complicated quest mechanics.

This approach doesn’t just help you create quests for LARP and other role-playing games. It can also help you tell a story. The basic principles written above also applies stories. The hero journey is just one big quest. Perhaps you’d like your character or characters to encounter certain obstacles but you aren’t sure about the story driven aspect of those encounters. You could in theory map out the hero’s journey through the quest mechanics listed above and put a story onto the mechanics later.

Now that you know the basics it’s up to you to take them and create something amazing.

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Amtgard Online Week 3

This was the third week of no in person meet ups for Amtgard but that certainly hasn’t slowed down the content. I personally only watched streams on Sunday and I guess I could include Tuesday (Yesterday) but that’s into week 4, technically.

Stream Watching

Sunday I watched several of the Dusk Hollow (Dallas, OR) streams. They had 7, 30 minute streams, I did not get to watch all of them. The first one I watched was Vale’s fighting stream. It mostly consisted of some fights with Duey, in various styles and a Q&A. He brought up some opening moves and shots, but most of the teaching was based off of questions. You can watch it HERE.

The second stream I watched was Critias’ stream. It mostly centered around showing various different shots you could do. It was pretty interesting. He showed a lot of shots. He also did some Q&A. You can watch it HERE.

The third stream I watched was “Chatting with Ozzward and Guests” which turned out to be Minerva and Critias. It was very erratic, but some of the topics included what classes were best, a bunch about monk. Ozzward hates it, Critias likes it, and several other random topics. It might not be the best stream to rewatch but if you want to, you can watch the first part HERE and the second part HERE.

The fourth stream was Vale talking about wizard. I’ll be honest, I didn’t watch most of the video, I mainly watched the last ten minutes. My roommate and I got talking, plus I made myself some lunch. I did get in a question about why the longsword wizard is no longer really a thing in v8 Amtgard. It used to be fairly common back in v6 and v7. You can watch the stream HERE.

The last stream I watched on Sunday was Indra’s, my squires. He talked about fighting and mostly took questions from the audience. It was the first time he streamed and one of the first times he’s taught anything. He was very nervous, despite that I think he did alright. If you’re interested in watching it you can view it HERE.

The two streams I didn’t watch on Sunday were Punkow’s Bard stream which you can watch HERE and Akryn’s Monster stream which you can watch HERE.

The stream I was most engaged with this week though has to go to Dalo and One Grind Nation. It was on Tuesday the 7th. It was a class he normally teaches at Sword Knight Boot Camp, an event dedicated to teaching foam fighting. The class was Combat Computer and focused on sharpening your fighting mind.

The main takeaway away was how to size up an opponent and make a game plan. The class ended with an excersize you can do at home, or anywhere really. You make a list of your strengths and weaknesses as well as a list of your opponents and then you make a game plan and break it down to it’s smallest details, including foot movements, then you imagine the fight. This way you can go through many different fights without ever lifting your sword.

I’m of course over simplifying the class. It really got me thinking about how I fight and what I can do to improve. I highly recommend watching the video, which you can do HERE.

Beer with Baelnorn

I finally set a time for my first Ask Me Anything Stream. It’s April 9th at 7pm PST. I have created an outline to talk about event running, so there is something to talk about if there are few questions, but it is still an AMA. I figured I would grab some beers, answer questions and just chat.

Even if you don’t have any questions for me I think the stream will be worth your time. There will be a lot of information about event running that I hope will demystify it. Plus, who knows, maybe you’ll see a drunk Baelnorn.

Rather than streaming this on Facebook I plan on doing this on my old Twitch Channel. I used to stream and run a gaming blog; this is a holdover from that. You can follow the channel HERE if you want to be notified when I start streaming. You can also join the Facebook event HERE if you like.

I hope to see you all there.

If you like my content consider becoming a Patron on Patreon. You can see my Tier 2 and 3 supporters on my Patreon Supporters page as well as find out how to become a Patron yourself.

Week 3 Streams

Second blog of the week! This time it’s dedicated to listing upcoming streams. The focus is on Amtgard and foam fighting. Some of the lists are incomplete but I wanted to get out as much info as I could early enough that it would be useful. To be clear this is just the streams I’m aware of in my region. I am sure there are many more streams being produced through the Amtgard world.

Inland Ocean (Redmond, WA)

IO has two streams this week. One on Friday and one on Saturday. The Friday class will be based on Amtgard classes, put on my Drusk. On Saturday the class will be basic leather tooling put on by Unum

  • Friday April 3rd, 4:30 PM PST: Amtgard Classes by Drusk. Watch it HERE.
  • Saturday April 4th 12 PM PST: Basics on Tooling Leather. Watch it HERE.

Dusk Hollow (Dallas, OR)

DH will have several streams this week but they are not all nailed down just yet. I will update this page as the slots become updated. You can check back here or you can follow the Dusk Hollow Facebook Group for more information. You may need to join the DH Facebook Group to watch the streams.

  • Sunday April 5th, 12 PM PST: Fighting with Vale You can watch it HERE.
  • Sunday April 5th, 12:30 PM PST: How to Bard and How Not to Bard with Punkow. You can watch it HERE.
  • Sunday April 5th, 1 PM PST: Talking with Critias. You can watch it HERE.
  • Sunday April 5th, 1:30 PM PST: Ghouls, Trogs and More with Akryn. You can watch it HERE.
  • Sunday April 5th, 2 PM PST: Chatting with Ozzward and Guests. You can watch it HERE.
  • Sunday April 5th, 2:30 PM PST: Wacky Wizard with Vale. You can watch it HERE.
  • Sunday April 5th,3 PM PST: Fighting with Indra.You can watch it HERE.

One Grind Nation

One Grind Nation plans on doing one stream on Saturday but they have not decided on what exactly or when. They have been streaming for the last two weeks doing random foam fighting AMAs. Saturday Dalos did some video analyzing, which I found informative. Dalos is also doing a big discord birthday party on Tuesday.

  • Saturday April 4th. Time TBD: A stream about foam fighting. Like the One Grind Nation Facebook Page to keep up to date about when the stream will start. They are in the CST time zone.
  • Tuesday April 7th. Time TBD: A big discord get together for Dalo’s birthday. Like the One Grind Nation Facebook Page to keep an eye out for the Discord invite. He is in the CST time zone.

While not a steam. I wanted to highlight another source of online foam fighting information put out by One Grind Nation, Stab Chats, a podcast series. Normally there is a paywall of $5 but they have made all their podcasts available for free through this pandemic. If you like the content you should support them with a $5 a month pledge.

You can find the podcasts on their Patreon page, HERE.

I’m actually listening a Stab Chats while I write this blog, it’s the one on The Book of Five Rings. It’s my favorite book for foam fighting, it also applies to any path, martial or otherwise. It’s worth a look at. The podcast is pretty good and is a good introduction to the book. You can listen to it HERE.

Beer With Baelnorn

Grab a beer and join me on April 9th. I plan on doing an Ask Me Anything stream on Twitch. I will start out talking about event running and probably go into some details about running a feast but it’s still an AMA. That being said we may go off on tangents based off the questions I get.

If you have any topics or questions you’d like covered please feel free to post them or send them to me before the AMA. I’d like to have the chance to be able to answer them with more depth than if it’s a random question asked on air.

I don’t have a specific time on April 9th that I’ll be doing the stream. I was thinking 7 or 8 pm PST. If people would like it earlier because they live out east, I would be willing to change it.

  • Thursday April 9th, Time TBD: Beer With Baelnorn. You can watch it HERE. The channel is named The Real Apathetic Gamer.

If you like my content consider becoming a Patron on Patreon. You can see my Tier 2 and 3 supporters on my Patreon Supporters page as well as find out how to become a Patron yourself.