Cultivating the RP in LARP in Amtgard

My last article asked the question “Is Amtgard a LARP”. My answer was yes, but with the caveat that the role-play amount varies by park and region. While writing that article I started to describe ways to improve the role-play in the community but decided I was drifting too far away from the main point of the article. From that tangent this article was born. I’ll be talking about ways you can increase the RP in your area. In most cases it will take the effort of one or more individuals to achieve. Not all of the ideas will work for you, but at the very least it might inspire you to come up with your own methods. 

There are three basic categories I’ll be talking about, battle games, themed battle games and quests plus a bonus hybrid category. You can achieve various levels of role-play within those three categories, with the least role-playing coming from the standard battle games and the most coming from the quest. In each section I’ll explain the premise, explain how it can be implemented and give an example of how it can work. 


Battle Games

By far the activity you probably play the most at your park is the battle game. They typically offer the least amount of role-play. They are often fast paced, pvp, goal oriented affairs, but if you look for it  you can find ways to inject some role-play. It’s all in your perspective. What I’m going to suggest doesn’t allow for interactive role-play but it does allow you to feel more like you’re playing a character and not just playing a role. 

Before you play in a game create a basic persona that you play when you go into a battle game. What is your character’s personality,what is their race, what do they like to do, how do they like to achieve their goals? How does your character’s powers manifest? What class, or classes do they like to play? Once you are able to answer some or all of these questions you are already on the road to role-playing in a battle game. 

Take me for an example. I like to play as a gnome but I didn’t want to stick to just playing the monster version after I hit level 6. I decided my character was a tinkerer gnome. He liked to create magic infused mechanical devices to achieve his goals. Sometimes he wanted to aid combat by providing those devices to other people while sometimes he wanted to join in combat and use the devices himself. 

The class I chose to to first represent my character was a Summoner Druid. I built a spell list around him creating a mechanical golem to fight his battles for him. He also handed out various devices to other players to aid them in fighting. If I wanted to fight I would instead take Avatar of Nature and build myself spell infused mechanical suits to go and fight in.

I could take this approach and apply it to any of the classes. This type of role-play doesn’t affect anyone else but it’s fun to imagine you taking on a persona and playing a character. If you get enough people interested in playing the game from this perspective you are on the way of creating an environment for role-playing. 


Themed Battle Games.

Themed battle games can inject a level of storytelling you don’t find in your typical battle game and it’s so easy to do. The basic idea is rather simple. You take a battle game, such as capture the flag, and frame it in such a way as to be narrative driven. For example, the capture the flag could be two competing armies fighting over a resource for their respective kingdoms. 

It can also get somewhat complex, you could make a series of connected battle games that have a larger overall effect. For example you could make it a series of battles that determine territory, Risk style. You take two or more teams and have them battle over various territories. It would be best played over several weeks or maybe a reign. Set a specific number of games and at the end of those battles, add up the territories and the team with the most territories wins. In this scenario it’s best that you play different styles of games to keep it varied. You could also change up terrain rules to simulate different terrains.  

Doing a group of theme linked battle games such as the one described above can create an environment for role-play.  It can help people feel like they are part of a larger story; it encourages them to get involved in their team, which in the example above, could actually be a whole kingdom. They could be encouraged to create a symbol for their kingdom, a motivation for why they are fighting, maybe they will develop a moto or a set of goals for their kingdom. The sky’s the limit.

The best thing about the themed battle is that at its heart it is a battle game, just dressed up. For people that don’t care if they feel like they are role-playing, they won’t feel like they are being infringed on and the people that want to feel like they are part of a story will feel like they are part of a story.  This is also a great way to introduce role-play in a minor way to get people hyped for the idea of a more involved formed of Amtgard role-play, the quest. 


The Quest

When people think of role-play in Amtgard most of them think of a quest. Quests can vary greatly from kingdom to kingdom and from park to park. It all depends on who is running it and how they approach them. They can be fairly simple, being little more than a themed battle game or it can be as complicated as an interactive D&D adventure. It’s a combination of the area’s culture and the person who creates it. 

One of the simplest quests I’ve seen was a kingdom relic quest. The goal of the quest was to have the relics go out to the players. The creator wanted to keep it simple and straightforward. The setup was that several monsters were guarding a bunch of supplies needed to make the relics. The goal was to defeat or distract the monsters so you could get the supplies. The winning condition was having all the supplies returned to an NPC. 

This was basically version of a capture the flag battle game. What made this not a simple battle game was that the players were broken up into adventuring parties and were battling monsters.  I believe the teams were up to five people and the opposing force was made up of non-players. It could also be argued there was a chance to RP with the monsters and the NPC who was themed as an alchemist. As I said this is the most basic quest I’ve encountered.

On the other spectrum you can have quests which are fairly complex. They take more work and may take more NPCs, so they are more difficult to organize. In the more complex quest you can have interactive NPCs which give out information. You have encounters which allow for role-play to overcome while still having some encounters which require combat. You can have multiple winning conditions that vary the outcome. Maybe you could add a multi-step objective to win. You can create a multi-layer quest where there are mini-quests you can complete along the way to completing the main quest. Your imagination is the limit. 

While this article isn’t about how to run quests, I will give some advice since it can be overwhelming. While I said imagination is the limit, you have to make sure the steps to completing the quest are clear and concise. You don’t have to blatantly tell them what the goal is, but it’s important to make sure the information is clear and easily obtainable. You will also find that what you might think is obvious might not be obvious to the players. The more complex it is the more you are going to have to be willing to be flexible. Part of running a large quest is managing unforeseen problems. You have to be willing to change some things. Experience will tell you what you should or should not change. 


Mixing Battle Games and Quests

Bonus category! I wanted to take some time to talk about how you could combine battle games and quests to further cultivate role-play. It isn’t an overly complicated idea but it’s fairly new in my area. The idea is that you have a themed battle game that connects to a quest. This can be basic or as complex as you’d like. I’ll be using my event, Shattered Kingdoms, which has been doing this for over 5 years now. It’s a Thursday to Sunday role-playing campout. 

In our 5th year the players started out by journeying to the kingdom of Onseuk. Along the path they encountered a graveyard overrun with undead. They had to destroy the graveyard to stop the undead from rising. This took the form of a three stage hold the point battle game. To defeat the undead they had to hold the first point for 5 minutes, simulating destroying the area, before moving on to the next area, doing this a total of three times. This encounter set the tone for the whole event. 

After defeating the undead they continued along their way and found a village to spend the night at. This section of the event was open world questing. There were several mini quests which told various parts of the story for the weekend, many of them informing players of the various going ons of the kingdom and what they might expect. The two main themes they were supposed to learn is that there was a higher than normal amount of undead and that there was a bandit problem in Onseuk. 

The next day the players encountered a guard tower which was no longer inhabited with guards but with bandits. They were demanding gold from the players. This encounter took the form of a keep battle with life shatter component. The bandits each had five lives and the goal was to shatter them. Near the end of the battle a wave of undead attacked the players from the side, just to remind them that there was also an undead threat. The next part of the day was another quest segment. They arrived at the Kingdom and they were tasked by the king to find the source of the bandit threat and eliminate it. 

I think you get an idea of how you can incorporate battle games into a story for a quest. This can play out at the local level too, it doesn’t have to be just at a campout. You can do it over several park days, maybe over a whole reign. Battle games are a useful tool to tell pivotal moments in a larger story, it’s something fun that a game master can tinker with and add to their tool box. 



There are lots of ways in which you can cultivate role-play. All it takes is some work. At the basic level, the battle game, it’s about how you perceive your character and their role. It involves a low level of commitment, it’s also probably the least satisfying. The other two options, themed battle games and quests require a lot more work. If you don’t already have any form of themed battle games or quests in your area you have your work cut out for you. 

You might find you will have to take it upon yourself to help create the culture where role-play can flourish. The best approach is to get at least a few people together, brainstorm some ideas and then approach the monarchy. In my experience if you come to the monarchy with a well thought out plan they will give it some serious consideration. I would suggest starting at the local level, work there, get some experience and then look towards the kingdom level.

If you take some of the steps that I suggest here, I think you’ll find that people will be more open to the idea of role-play in Amtgard. You may never get the immersion you can find at some of the other LARPs, but I think you’ll find a marked improvement in the role-play experience in Amtgard. 

Phoenix League

I went to two different Amtgard practices this weekend. The first being on Saturday at Silvermoon (Salem, OR) and the second being on Sunday at Dusk Hollow (Dallas, OR).

I arrived at Silvermoon as the first battle game started so I was unable. to join. I took the time to get dressed in garb and talked to Minerva. After the battle game Wyell, one of the people running for Kingdom Monarch gave a little speech about what he was going to do as Monarch and then opened it up to a Q&A. There were a few questions asked.

Right afterwards Critias taught a basics survey class on fighting. He struggled a little bit but I think it wasn’t bad for one of his first classes. After wards I pulled him aside and gave him some pointers to help him the next time he teaches.

During the class, my squire, Indra showed up. Someone I was not expecting. It was nice to get to visit with him. We didn’t talk long before the bearpit tournament started. It was a 30 minute, open weapon, tournament. I didn’t do so well, only getting 5 wins. The first place winner was Critias (45 wins, 15 kill streak), followed by Kang (41 wins 7 kill streak) and then Torg (32 wins, 7 kill streak). Indra tied for 4th.

The next game was a first level only game due to a large influx of new players that day. I chose to sit out. The game went on for a little while but ended up having to be stopped when all the new players had to leave in the middle of it. They then re-balanced the teams and changed it to a normal level game. I also sat out of that game but not because I didn’t want to play, but because I had to leave before the game would be over. I needed to make it to my friends house before the prelims for the UFC fight. I sat on the sidelines talking with Indra till it was time to leave.

As I mentioned Sunday I went to Dusk Hollow (Dallas, OR). I went to help reeve the Phoenix League game. It was the last one before the final in at Pacific War against Northern Aggression. The game was between Arcana and To Many Cooks. Sadly To Many Cooks couldn’t field a whole team and only had 4 players. Still, they made a good effort of it and there was a lot of back and forth. In the end the score was 11-3 in Arcana’s favor.

It turns out I didn’t have to do to much reeving. I mostly answered a few questions about who had what enchantment on as well as watched the lines to make sure no one stepped out. No one did step out on the side I was watching. I only had to make one call while reeving and that was just to clarify something the person was already taking. Very few of the reeves needed to make any calls actually, it was a very clean game.

Aside from the Phoenix League game there was ditching, which I did participate in. During the one battle game that day I ended up staying on the side lines and sparring with Gustav. I spent some time working on feints. I managed to pull off a few that worked.

The day was actually pretty long for me, from 12:30 to about 6. There was a lot of down time, mainly due to the heat and more specifically the humidity but there was also a decent amount of fighting. There was much water consumed.

Next weekend I won’t be able to go to Amtgard, I have a family reunion I have to go to but I do have something I plan on posting. I will be posting another article.

Warmaster and the Future Dragon Master

Saturday was Blackspire’s Kingdom Quals and Warmaster Tournament in Silvermoon (Salem OR). It was an early day. The Queen, Aurora, broke with tradition and started the event at 10 am,. 10 is when quals entry could be submitted. Judging then began at 11 and the tournament was scheduled to start at noon. Everything started reasonably on time. I think the tournament started about 20 minutes late.

I arrived around 10:40. I wanted to enter something into quals but I wasn’t trying to qual, I just wanted feedback on a written article. I wanted to see where my score would fall. It was my Site Evaluation article. I tweaked it slightly and I should update it on the site too. There were some grammar errors and some sentence structure that I changed to make it read better. After feedback I also changed a few sentences to make its intent more clear. I was reasonably happy with the scores I received, 4.5, 3.5 and 4.5. All around decent scores. Hopefully it will score higher with the changes I made after feedback.

You might be asking why I needed to get a gauge on my scores? Well I plan on entering in Dragon Master at Pacific War. Not just a few items either, I plan on putting effort into winning over all. I’ll be putting in the required five categories. It might be a long shot but you never know. I will be entering mostly non-traditional categories when it comes to what often wins over all.

I’ll be entering a plasti dipped shield, a cake, the feast article I wrote, one of my longer lore entries for Shattered Kingdoms and a photo. The shield I made a while ago but have hardly used, it looks new. The feast article is the one on this site, Baelnorn’s Guide to Feast Preparation. I have done some work editing it, I missed a lot of things. I plan on updating it on the website when I’m finished.

The cake is a German chocolate cake. I’ve done well with it in the past. I plan on doing a more complicated chocolate frosting though. It won’t be decorated amazingly but it will be a very solid cake. The lore entry I’ll probably be entering is the Valshoom entry. It’s by far my favorite. It’s pretty solid where it sits so I don’t think I’ll need to do to much editing on it, if any. I also plan on entering my site evaluation article too, just to give me a second chance in the non-fiction category. However the piece pièce de ré·sis·tance is my photography entry.

Perhaps many of you don’t realize that I’ve been pretty big into photography for years. While my photography involvement waxes and wanes I assure you it’s been a pretty big hobby. While I didn’t get a degree in it, I did take several photography classes while I was in university. They were some of my favorite classes. You have no idea how good the creative freedom they allowed me felt. I produced some pretty good works of art and I’ve not shared any of them with Amtgard. This will be the first time I do so and I hope it goes really well. Photography as art in Amtgard exists but doesn’t really seem to be seen at the same level of the other arts. There is also a difference between seeing photos online and seeing them in their intended in person presentation. Hopefully what I enter will start to change a few minds.

Sorry to go off on a Dragon Master tangent but I’m looking forward to it. I’d like to see what kind of competition I can give people like Rowana and Requiem. The competition will not be in a direct fashion but will be limited as very few or, perhaps, none of our categories will over lap. I realize it might not have been smart to play my hand before the contest by letting everyone see most of the entries I’ll be entering but it wouldn’t be much of a blog if I kept this secret.

I honestly don’t think I’ll be Dragon Master but I do like to think about it. I believe my chances of winning best in a category is more likely and I think there is a reasonable chance it will happen. I look forward to see how it plays out. I’m not really known for the arts side of Amtgard but I think I have something to give to the community and this is my chance to prove it. I just hope I don’t fall flat.

Back to Quals and Weapon Master!

The tournament went pretty smoothly and was fun to watch. It was reasonably clean, although there were some people not taking hits like they should have, but it was minor and the people who placed in the top brackets were not the ones cheating.

Critias won both the tournament portion of Warmaster and the battle game aspect. He’s our new Warmaster! Big mac was our close second place winner. The actual battle game was pretty close too, it was 4 to 6.

A good portion of my day was sitting in on meetings. I sat in the BoD meeting which was about 45 minutes long and then the althing took about 2 hours. There were 9 proposals for us to vote on, but I didn’t need to sit in on the discussion, I already knew what I was going to vote yes and no on. I voted, handed in my ballot and then Uriel and I made a quick journey to Panda Express. We got back just in time for them to have finished discussing the 9 proposals and were moving into the Circle of Monarchs discussion.

The CoM discussion was by far the longest discussion. Despite it’s length there wasn’t much said that hadn’t already been said online. I didn’t personally have much to add. The only thing I volunteered was on the topic of fundraising. I reiterated that we should be trying to fundraise from sources outside our club. I gave the example given by Gorin. His example was arena pits at ren fairs and conventions. He said he would easily make over $1,000 a weekend. I said it isn’t hard to make money it just take some investment and a few dedicated individuals to make it happen.

When all was said and done it was nearly 6 o’clock. At nearly 8 hours it was a very long day for Amtgard. I packed up my things and made my way over to Warmaster Critias’ house for his birthday.

Despite how long the day was I had a decent day. I got to hangout with Uriel and Gustav, see my friend get Warmaster and get some good scores and feedback on my writing. I even got some encouragement from Terarin in the form of him suggesting I enter Dragon Master. I don’t often get encouragement outside of my close friends so it was a very nice thing to hear, even if it was just a quick suggestion. Next week you’ll find me at my local park Silvermoon.