Aloha Mystic Seas

This weekend I went to Mystic Seas (Troutdale, OR). They were holding their monthly BBQ and I was enticed by the promise of pork. This month’s theme was Hawaiian food and they made kalua pork. After the fact I felt a little guilty for not going to my local park of Silvermoon (Salem, OR). In July I only managed to make it there on one occasion. One weekend I went to Mystic Seas, another weekend I went to Northern Lights Mid-reign Campout and then on the last weekend I stayed home for a BBQ party I threw. I do plan on going to my local park for the rest of the month.

Aside from the feast there was a few other things going on at Mystic Seas. Fazadar was running a cake baking competition. Kormac combined his two day demo for the local Job Corps people with this big day at Mystic Seas. He brought them out to the park to experience Amtgard and on Sunday he ran a weapon building class at the Job Corps.

The drive to Mystic Seas was a challenge in and of itself. What normally would take 1 hour 20 minutes took 2 hours 40 minutes. This was due to a major road closer and just bad traffic. It was insane. By the time I got to the park I was already feeling a bit exhausted. After going to the bathroom and getting in garb I got myself a plate of rice and spam (I forget the dishes name) and kalua pork. I then set about eating and visiting. The food very good.

About the time I was done eating they announced that they were done judging the cake baking competition and the cakes were ready to be eaten. I made my way over to the table and got a slice of cheese cake and some cobbler (I know, it’s not a cake but they allowed it anyways). The cheese cake was decent, I’m pretty sure it was no-bake recipe and the cobbler, which was a cheery pineapple flavor, was tasty.

I spent a lot of time visiting with Ephiny and Falcon, both Silvermooners who also happened to be visiting. At one point, shortly after eating my cake, Ephiny was eating a piece of her death by chocolate like cake (which took first place by the way). I asked to try a bit and its name lived up to the experience. It was super sweet and chocolaty and it almost killed me. The sugar from the previous sweets, combined with the chocolate cake turned my stomach upside down. I was out of commission for the next few hours. It really soured my chances of playing the game.

Despite not feeling well I did have a good time visiting with them. Once my stomach settled down I had another bowl of pork, it was really good, simple things usually are. I also spent some time visited with Aurora, Terarin which is always a pleasure. I even checked in with Akryn to see if he was going to run for King for Blackspire for the winter reign, which he said yes. He ended up declaring later that night.

The demo put on my Kormac seemed to be a success, the Job Corps people had a blast. They participated in several games. One game was ran specifically for them, it was a first level only game. Everyone one had to play a level one class. It’s a good way to even the playing field, a little bit. Hopefully we’ll see them out at the park when they have time away from their studies.

Despite the extra long and exhausting drive and the upset stomach I had a pretty decent day. I got there between 2:30 and 3 and ended up staying till 7:30. The atmosphere at the park was very positive and everyone seemed to have a good time. Next week, baring some unforeseen circumstances, I will be at Silvermoon. I even plan on playing wizard again. I spent a little bit of time tweaking my spell list and plan on testing it out. Till next week, have fun!

Is Amtgard a LARP?

I’m going to piss some people off and give the answer to the question “Is Amtgard Live Action Role Playing?” at the start of the article. That answer is yes. By a literal interpretation of LARP, it is a LARP.  When you step out onto that field you are playing a live action game where you have abilities based on a class or a role. If you take the wizard class, you are playing a wizard. You are playing a live action role. Now it’s not exactly fair to just end the conversation right there. Even that definition has its detractors. It just doesn’t meet their expectations, but that’s the key isn’t it? Their expectations. The question “Is Amtgard a LARP?” has more to do with a person’s expectations than any kind of literal definition. 

When it comes to what people expect out of a LARP it can vary wildly. For some people the chance to use abilities they don’t have in their own lives is enough to make them feel like they are playing in a LARP. On the other end of the spectrum people need more engagement. They need character interactions beyond combat which they often expect to be combined with some sort of organized story. 

Amtgard can have both lite RP elements and heavy RP elements. This can vary wildly from park to park and region to region. From my experience the most common chance to RP comes from playing class battle games as your character class. It’s a player vs player type game, more like League of Legends than Skyrim. That is the RP lite I am talking about, but then there is the other end of the spectrum too, quests. 

When you play in a quest you have the chance to take on a deeper persona than just playing a class. You can more accurately role-play a character. A well written quest will have non-combat elements, either through problem solving or interacting with non-player characters. This will let players express themselves as the character they have created. In a quest there will also be combat elements and in some cases situations where you can role-play your way out of combat. I believe this is what many people expect when they think of LARP.

When it comes down to the question “Is Amtgard a LARP?” it comes down to what people put into the game. Inventive people will write up a persona and maybe imagine they are in some sort of world where everyone is immortal and fighting for the right to exist. They will take the little chances to role-play their character in a battle game, maybe by how they play their character, being aggressive or passive, honorable or dishonorable. Even in the lite RP games there is a chance to roleplay. It’s all in how you view it but for some people that won’t be enough. 

Longer more engaging RP elements beyond the RP lite aspects can be harder to find. Unlike in LARPS such as Alliance and Dystopia Rising, Amtgard is a weekly game. Writing and running a full blown quest every week is a lot of work and just isn’t likely to happen.  Amtgard is not built to be like other heavy RP LARPs. It’s a fine balance and as I mentioned it, can vary by region. Ideally there is some sort of balance. Take my local park for example.

We have something called Encounters which are ran about once a month, sometimes twice. They are mini-quests that often have connected stories. This gives people a chance for more obvious role-playing. We also have the occasional full blown quest but those are less frequent. Mostly it is battle games. For me this a reasonable balance for Amtgard. It gives people a RP outlet but also lets people just battle game. 

Then there are camping events. Some events, such as Pacific War, there are usually just battle games, tournaments and ditching, which I understand doesn’t give much room for RP. Although, you can always role-play a character in the time between activities and into the night. When I was younger I sought out other interested people and we initiated our own RP. It was fun.

On the other end of the spectrum there is the event I run Shattered Kingdoms, which is a Thursday to Sunday story driven event. The event is situated in its own RP world with its own lore. There is an overarching story for 4 years. Each year in those 4 years feeds into the overall narrative. The actual event format is a themed battle, which leads into a quest, that leads into a themed battle game that leads into more questing. Throughout the whole event you only have one life, to come back to life you have to be resurrected. It’s a role-play heavy event. 

In the end, the answer to “Is Amtgard a LARP?” has more to do with how people want to play the game. It can certainly be a LARP. The rules are there for everyone to use them how they want. It can be as basic as a non-class battle game such as ditching or as complicated as a multi-day RP event. Amtgard has something for just about everyone. The rules are there, it’s up to you to use them. 


Unofficial Fighter

Two blogs in one week?! Madness! This will be a short one. Hopefully this makes up for the possible lack of a post next week, maybe not. This Monday (7/22/2019) I went to an unofficial Amtgard fighter practice in Beaverton, OR. It was put on by Heldris and Gustav.

Normally I wouldn’t have driven that for on a Monday for a LARP event but I combined it with some hangout time afterwards. It was a good use of my time. I even ended up having a good time.

I arrived late, which was expected but I still got in two hours of good whacks. The first bit of fighting was sword and board. I didn’t do to well. I mostly fought Gustav and he had my number the whole time. I might have gotten a few kills but I can’t remember any, it was that bad. I need to work on feints. Also moving more. I’m to stationary of a fighter. That has more to do with my lack of fitness than practice though.

Heldris had gotten a good work out at the gym early that day so while they fought, they they got tired easily and didn’t fight as much. They did put in a lot of effort though.

When we switched to single short sword though, I really shined. I did very well against Gustav. I was ecstatic. While Gustav and I were sparing Darb and Critias arrived. I took the chance to take a short break while those three spared.

After my break I joined in and I was still doing pretty good. I got Critias several times, while Darb I got a little less. He was able to figure out how to hand block my right side hip shot. I did change it up and started going after his left hip which worked out pretty well.

I’m not saying I’m the best at single sword, but I am saying I had a lot of fun, I did well and I left on high note. After my abysmal efforts in sword and board against Gustav I really needed that.

I probably won’t be going to the fighter practice that often but I might go back, despite the drive. Not only do I get to do some fighting I get to hang out with my good friends.